Tips To Overcome Obesity Without Exercising

Obesity is a serious health problem because it can be one source of various diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other health problems.

Music Listening benefits for Maternal Health

Benefits hear classical music for pregnant women very much at all. In this article we will look briefly at the benefit of hearing classical music for mothers who are in conceiving.

10 Healthy Food to Maintenance Weight

Healthy food to maintain body weight are high-fiber foods

5 Food Diet to Lose Weight Naturally

Keeping the weight it is important that health remains excellent, there are certain foods that can reduce body weight for those who experience the above ideal body weight.

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis in Young Age

Osteoporosis is always associated with women who have entered menopause. Because it is associated with the female hormone estrogen, when women were not in a period of 'snag' the hormone estrogen is reduced, and this becomes a sign that the bone density in women also began to decrease.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Benefits of Green Tea for Skin Care

Lately, green tea or green tea are popular in many circles, ranging from parents to children all love green tea. Because green tea can be to drink, eat, even for skin care can also be due to that found in green tea has many benefits. One of the benefits of green tea is rich in antioxidants that are beneficial to the health of your skin.
Manfaat Green tea untuk Perawatan Kulit
Manfaat Green tea untuk Perawatan Kulit

Benefits of Green Tea Can You Apply For Your Skin
·         Ageless
When you drink beverages that contain ingredients of green tea every day, you'll stay young because green tea contains antioxidants that may slow the premature aging of the skin. Skincare with green tea also prevents premature aging by using green tea scrub products do at least once a week.

·         Make Ear Cleaner
Green tea can make your ears clean way to soak cotton or cotton bud with leaves of green tea or green tea ready, after that wash your ears with a smooth and creamy.

·         Prevent Acne
For those of you who frequent breakouts, green tea can help your skin care to prevent and eliminate acne. The trick is brewed green tea overnight approximately 8 to 12 hours. After the wash on your face in the morning or when you wake up.

·         Moisturize Skin
Green tea can moisturize the skin, it's you who wants her skin felt moist with maximum results you can drink green tea a minimum of 3-4 times a week because green tea contains high antioxidants to moisturize skin.

·         Sunlight Protection
Green tea is smeared all over the skin can protect your skin from the sun. The trick with brewed green tea leaves to really seep leave to cool and use a soft cloth to apply to the whole of your skin. Once applied to the skin allow it to dry. Well for this one special tips for you who have not berkativitas outside the room, before you go Apply at home.

The benefits of green tea have been mentioned earlier, you can apply for your naturally beautiful skin care. Always remember that the skin should be maintained in order to remain healthy and well-maintained.

Monday, June 22, 2015

7 Privileged Papaya For Your Body Health

Papaya is a fruit that has remarkable properties for health of all people. This fruit is found in rural areas as well as in traditional markets and modern. The price is relatively low, making the fruit can be enjoyed by everyone in the various different social classes. This fruit is very tasty to eat when the flesh is cooked. With soft flesh texture and sweet taste, a small child was very fond of this fruit. Papaya fruit also has a feature for the health of your body. then, what is distinctive papaya fruit for the health of your body ... ???

     Friend, health tips. Papaya fruit is also known as the pawpaw (in the Java language). These fruits are found in areas that are tropical. Most of the fruit is oval shaped elongated that can reach the size of 20 inches. Related to nutritional content, papaya including one complete nutritious fruit. Vitamins A, C, K, E, folate, potassium, and fiber is the content of nutrients in the papaya fruit. Health tips will review the various privileges associated papaya variety of nutrient content in the fruit. Here are 7 privilege of papaya for your health:

  1. Antidote to heart disease. A healthy heart has been a dream of everyone. By regularly consuming papaya fruit will help make the organ more heart healthy and avoid the risk of heart disease.
  2. Digestion Healthier And Awake. Digestive organs have a very important role in terms of processing and distributing a variety of food nutrients throughout the body. Fiber, vitamin A, C, E and beta-carotene in papaya serves to nourish the digestive organs and can minimize the cancer in your colon.
  3. Better eyesight. During this time, maybe carrots is considered one of the best foods to support eye health. However, in fact, papaya is also very good for your eye organ. This is because, papaya contain vitamin A which is quite high.
  4. Preventing Prostate Cancer In Men. For men who want to avoid the type of prostate cancer, begin to consume the fruit oval. Because papaya contain lycopene which serves avoid prostate cancer in men.
  5. Improve Immune System. The content of vitamin C is high enough in papaya can help maintain and improve the immune system of a person. Thus, the body does not get sick even though the weather conditions often change secarat erratically.
  6. Launched defecation. By providing papaya as your diet everyday, then the problem of constipation or difficult bowel movements will not be encountered or suffered by you.
  7. Various protective From Free Radicals. The air we breathe every day is mixed with various substances that can reduce free radicals and endanger the health of one's body. By consuming papaya fruit is able to protect the body from harmful free radicals.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

7 Benefits of Garlic For Body Health

Garlic is one of the many rempahan herbs used for seasoning every dish. These include garlic seasoning cheap and easily found in every kitchen everyone. In addition to cooking as a seasoning, garlic can be eaten directly, especially dahuli fried or in sauce made of garlic. In addition to sharing the benefits of the above, the garlic turns storing substances that have powerful manfaaat to maintain and improve the health of your body. So, what tremendous benefits of garlic for health is .... ???

     Friend, health tips. Garlic has long been known as a natural remedy of various complaints, disorders and diseases that attack a person's body. So, before the advent of technological advances in the field of health, our ancestors are still using natural remedies media using the garlic. You may be surprised with a variety of hidden benefits in garlic for health. Here are 7 powerful benefits of garlic for the health of your body:

  1. From Attacks Cancer antidote. Garlic contains diallyl sulfide which has the role of preventing cancer that could endanger your life. For women, consume in moderation garlic may ward off breast cancer.
  2. Natural Remedies For Diabetes Patients. Garlic is able to control blood sugar levels for diabetics. So it is suitable as a natural remedy for the disease or symptoms of diabetes.
  3. Reducing Bad Cholesterol Levels in Blood. The content of bad cholesterol in the blood would be bad for the health of your body. Eating garlic is the right step and proven to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol.
  4. Powerful protector For Your Heart Organ. Free radicals are mixed with oxygen is inhaled can harm the health of your heart. Garlic can protect the heart organ from various free radicals that are scattered in the air.
  5. Avoiding Of Various Skin Diseases. Chemical substances called ajoene in garlic efficacious to eradicate various fungal infection that attacks the skin of your body.
  6. Garlic also Characteristically Antivirus and antibacterials. So that garlic can ward off many viruses and bacteria that can get into your body.
  7. Powerful Control Your Blood Pressure. The content of hydrogen sulfide gas in garlic is beneficial to dilate blood vessels and plays a major role in controlling the blood pressure of a person.

7 Hazards Not Sweating kesehatn For Your Body

Sweating is healthy ... !!!. This is one fact that is proven true and no doubt by everyone. Sweat itself can arise when the body is super busy doing various activities or when doing sports activities such as running with a considerable distance away. Most of us are certainly not every day sweating. But, you know, the more you sweat, the more healthy body you have. So, what are the dangers of not sweating for the health of your body ... ???

     Friend, health tips. Sweating is the body's way to protect and normalize the body temperature. Sweating also has the function of issuing a variety of toxins from the body that is released through the pores of the body, when someone sweat from his body. In this case, exercise is one of physical activity to stimulate the body to sweat. Once the importance of sweating itself to your body. Health tips this time will be to review the dangers of not sweating the body. Here is the danger of not sweating for the health of your body:

  1. Toxins accumulate in your body. Sweating is a means to remove toxins in the body easily and naturally. So, it is advisable for frequent physical activity such as walking to work fairly close or exercise routine each morning.
  2. Your body temperature imbalance. This is because, when people sweat, it will have an effect on the more normal and balanced temperature inside a person's body. Thus, the body will be fresh and fit, after sweating.
  3. Look Dull and Dry Skin. Sweating is one means of clearing toxins in the body and counteracting the growth of acne or blackheads and other skin disorders. So with frequent sweating, wajahpun skin will look more youthful and always shining.
  4. Lowering Your Body Immune System. This is because, the sweat will be able to trigger the production of white blood cells. The function of white blood cells in the body itself as an antidote to various viurs and bacteria that can harm your health.
  5. Excess Weight Loss spur. This is because, sweating during exercise or activity proved to be effective for weight loss in the body. When a person to exercise and sweat, it relates to activities burn calories in the body of a person.
  6. Increase Stress Levels. For someone who wants to avoid the impact of stress on the mind continues to increase, it is advisable to exercise. So they can sweat. Because the level of stress on the mind will decrease, with sweating during exercise.
  7. Unfair heart. In order for the heart health continues to increase, it is advisable to exercise regularly. In order to trigger sweating in the body. Because the sweat will enhance blood circulation in and out of the heart. So that the heart would be maintained health.

7 Benefits Cucumber For Your Body Health

Cucumber or cucumber is one of the fruits that are familiar to all levels of society. This may be due, cucumber easily obtained at relatively low prices at the same time can be cultivated dipekarangan our own. Most of the types of cucumbers have a physical form elongated round with a dark green rind, flesh colored light green and has a seed in it. With abundant water content, cucumbers are very suitable to be consumed during the day when temperatures are very hot. But it turned out to be cucumber also has tremendous benefits for the health of your body. So, what tremendous benefits for health cucumber is .... ???

     Friend, health tips. Cucumber or cucumber is very familiar with the different types of food that we often consume daily. Most of the great restaurants, roadside food vendors as well as his own home there is always the name of cucumber. But not to have the tedium of the cucumber itself. This is because, cucumber contains many nutrients that are able to maintain and improve the health of your body. Here are 7 powerful benefits of cucumber for the health of your body:

  1. Toxins In Body Remover Effectively. The water content in cucumbers that nearly 95 percent would have the effect of eliminating toxins in the body through urine and sweat that we spend in various everyday activities.
  2. Cancer antidote A Very Good. This is because, cucumber contains lignin which has the function of preventing from various types of life-threatening cancers such as cancers of the breast, ovary, uterus and prostate.
  3. Improve Immune System In Your Body. Vitamin C in cucumbers real role to maintain the condition of the body that are not easily hurt or attacked by various diseases such as climate change and others.
  4. Constipation preventer The Very Powerful. Abundant water content and fiber in the cucumber will help nourish the digestive organs at once smooth bowel movement or relieve constipation that you may experience.
  5. Control Blood Pressure Better. Potassium, magnesium and fiber in the cucumber proved very effective in treating high blood pressure or low blood pressure that is often experienced by some people.
  6. Reducing Bad Cholesterol Levels In Blood. This is because, cucumber contains a compound called sterol which is highly efficacious in reducing bad cholesterol levels that could harm your health.
  7. Natural Remedies For Diabetes Patients. This is because, cucumber or cucumber contains a hormone that plays real produce insulin on cells of the pancreas organ you have.

7 Benefits of Eggs

Egg it has become one of the side dishes and a complementary breakfast menu most of us. You would've been fried egg and fried eggs, of course delicious when served with warm rice. Beside one of the scrumptious food, eggs turned out to store a variety of complete nutrition to maintain and improve the health of your body. At this time the topic will outline the various health benefits of eggs for you. So, what are the benefits surprising eggs begin the real terungkatp ... ???

   Friend, health tips. Eggs are one of the foods that can mengeyangkan stomach and abdominal rebound when feels hungry. Speaking of the eggs, of course you will be redirected to the shadow of the food something that is not so round (oval). Chicken eggs of already known by everyone, although there are many different types and kinds of eggs such as duck eggs, frog eggs, fish, dinosaurs and more. Chicken egg is indeed one egg can be consumed by humans and have a variety of nutrients needed by your body. Here are 7 benefits surprising real eggs began to unfold:  
  1. Very Well For The Make Your Morning Breakfast Menu. Most of us are eating a variety of foods which have a relatively high sugar content with little nutritional content each morning. So start turning to egg on the breakfast menu in the morning, because the egg is one of complete nutritious food.
  2. Food For Your Bone Health. Eggs are a good source of protein can help strengthen bones and also prevent a person from the risk of bone loss.
  3. Weight Loss Proven Effective. Eggs are one of the foods high in carbohydrates are quite low. In a contained as much as 80 calories and low in fat. So it is suitable for your daily diet.
  4. Streamlining Process Your Metabolism. This is because, the egg contains nutrients such as Vitamin B2 also known as riboflavin.
  5. Organ nourish your vision. Eggs contain a source of vitamin A, which has an important role to nourish the organs of your eyes. So, regular egg consumption will increasingly make healthier rgan eyes as you age.
  6. Nutrition For Bones Stronger. In addition to protein, calcium and phosphorus content in eggs can strengthen bones and prevent bone loss as well.
  7. Potent Breast Cancer antidote. Eggs contain nutrients called choline. Choline is what can ward off breast cancer that affects many women.

7 Benefits of Potatoes For Your Body Health

Potatoes are one of the types of food that is familiar to everyone. With physical shape round or oval accompanied his skin color and yellow make potatoes into one of the food that is easily recognizable. Potatoes can be consumed directly or by way of boiling created a variety of vegetables that can shake our tongue. However, in addition to edible, potatoes turned out to contain a variety of essential nutrients needed to improve the quality of your health. So, what are the benefits for health potato magic is .... ???

    Regularly consume potatoes have adequate manfaaat so great for the health of the body and organs of the body itself. The price is relatively cheap in the market to make the potatoes should be the food that can be enjoyed by everyone. By knowing the various properties of potatoes which will be described below, it is expected that all the people began to look at the potato. Here are the benefits of magic potato for your health:  

  1. Potatoes Effectively Lose Your Weight. This is because, potatoes contain a relatively small amount of calories or sekirtar 26 calories per one potato. Potatoes will also make a person feel full longer. So as to control the appetite plus lose weight.
  2. Serve potatoes Boost Immune System In Body. This is because, the potatoes turned out to contain a source of vitamin C is needed by the body. So as to prevent a person from diseases.
  3. Able ternyat potato Lowering Blood Pressure. This is because, potatoes contain kukoamin which has the function of lowering blood pressure.
  4. Potatoes Can Protect From Cardiovascular Disease. This is because, potato contains large amounts of flavonoids that play a major role in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and protect arteries stay healthy and away from fat attached.
  5. Capable of Protecting potatoes Organ Stay Healthy Digestion. This is because, the potato has fiber content is high enough. In addition to making healthier digestion, potatoes also play a major role in preventing colon cancer.
  6. Potatoes Can Optimize Brain Function. This is because, the potato contains a balanced glucose levels, vitamin B complex, amino acids and omega 3. Different nutrients can make the brain's performance more quickly in terms of thinking and concentrating.
  7. Containing potato Complete Nutrition For Your Skin. This is because, potatoes contain vitamin C, B-complex, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. Various nutrients can make the skin is always healthy.

7 Benefits of Walking to Your Health

Benefits of Walking. Health is very important for us. By always healthy and fit at any time, then the activities we do every day will run as expected. With a healthy condition always, then we do not have to go to a hospital that will spend the time and expense that not a few others. So very true the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.

    Lots of easy tips exactly can we do to maintain our physical and mental health. As with many tips presented in this blog. So it would not hurt you to practice it correctly. In order for your body maintained their health. Health tips will discuss 7 Benefits of Walking:

1. Avoid From Diabetes. By doing activities on foot. Then automatically sugar or glucose in the body will work in every cell in your body tissues. so the sugar or glucose levels are not concentrated or accumulate in your blood. so you will avoid diabetes. Diabetes is a disease caused by high levels of sugar in your blood.

2. Prevention of Heart Attacks. By doing activities on foot. Then the benefits will be felt at all. The benefits that prevent you from diseases such as heart attack. Therefore interspersed with activities of daily you walk and do not often sit too long

3. Strengthening the Immune System Body. By doing activities on foot. Then able to improve your immune system. so you are not susceptible to disease. Because your immune system are well preserved.

 4. More Ageless. By doing activities on foot. Then you will look more youthful and healthy as well as having the condition, fit and fresh every time. So do not wait any longer, healthier way to perform daily activities.

5. Weight Loss. By doing activities on foot. The benefit is able to lose weight is not ideal of course. Because the weight is not ideal, is one of the sources you teserang various diseases.

6. Reduce Stress. By doing activities on foot. Then the mind stress that hit you will be a little much reduced and will result in your night's sleep soundly. As well as the late morning you will be fresh and fit in a stare and through today.

4 Foods to Keep Teeth Remain Strong

Teeth strong is the desire of everyone. But you should know that by brushing alone is not enough to make your teeth strong. You need nutrients and nutrition in order to maintain the health of your teeth stay strong and healthy. As quoted from wolipop, there are four foods that are beneficial keeping teeth strong.

What are the 4th food, here we describe one by one
Makanan untuk Menjaga Gigi Tetap Kuat

1. Whole grains
Whole wheat is wheat that has not been processed. Wheat that has been processed or starchy foods such as noodles, bread, and various foods from flour is a source of fermentable carbohydrates to sugar so that the cause of acid formation in the oral cavity. Then consume unhealthy processed wheat for health. Want to stay healthy, eat whole grains such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, oatmeal or cereal routinely.

2. Fruit and vegetables green
Consuming fruits and vegetables requires a lot of chewing, because these foods are high in fiber source. With many chew will make your mouth produce a lot of saliva that can cleanse the mouth of bacteria. Green vegetables contain lots of protein vitamikn A nice and in maintaining the health of your teeth.

3. Milk and milk products
Milk is a good source of calcium which is very beneficial for healthy bones and teeth. But you need to be selective in buying milk, buy low-fat milk, because milk is safe for the body. Milk fat is often a trigger for cholesterol in the blood.

4. Consuming Protein
One of the foods that are rich in protein is meat. Not only that, but also rich in iron and vitamin B12. According to the food pyramid guidelines by the World Health Organization, adults are advised to consume 2-3 servings of animal products every day (each about 110 grams). In addition to meat, the vegetarian can choose alternatives such as tofu, beans, lentils, grains and other vegetables are high in protein.

Thus four kinds of food to keep teeth strong and healthy. Maintaining healthy teeth not only by brushing or brushing teeth, but also by consuming foods selectively and correctly.

If the article "food to maintain strong teeth" is useful, do not forget to be shared so that others can also get similar benefits. Thanks

Monday, June 15, 2015

7 Surprising Benefits of Grapes that Never Suspected

Grapes are one of the types of fruits are delicious and tasty consumed everyone. In addition, the fruit is easily obtained even with relatively high prices for some of our communities. The grapes can thrive in the dry season or in places that have low rainfall intensity. The actual health benefits of wine for very unusual, but ignorance will usefulness. makes the grapes have not become one of our favorite bua. So, what are the benefits surprising wine never suspected that ... ???

      Consuming fruits is one of the healthy lifestyle that can be practiced in everyday life. So there would be no harm in setting aside some monthly income to buy various types of fruit or fill the fridge with fruits, especially grapes. There are various benefits that can be obtained from grapes to improve the health of one's body health tips, the following surprising benefits of grapes that had never suspected:

    Organ protect your heart. The grapes contain resveratrol which serves to reduce the risk of heart attack can strike you at any time. In addition, resveratrol may contribute to increase the dilation of the blood vessels. So that blood can easily flow smoothly throughout your body organs.
    Spared From Skin Cancer. Activity or job sometimes forces the body to be exposed to sunlight for a relatively long time. UVB rays from the sun will beresikon cause skin cancer. The content of resveratrol in wine can protect the skin from the dangers of skin cancer.
    Improve Brain Thinking Ability. Resveratrol contained in grapes can help increase blood flow to the brain. So the ability to think and act in a person will be faster.
    Effective In Fighting Diabetes. Consuming grapes are rich in resveratrol is able to lower blood sugar levels by 10 percent. The good news of course for those who want to avoid diabetes.
    Lowering Your Cholesterol Levels. This is because, grapes contain pterostibene are compounds that play an important role in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood that may harm your health.
    Asthma antidote. By regularly consuming grapes can prevent and treat asthma in a way that is healthy and natural.
    Effectively accelerate muscle recovery. For the sportsman or someone who is quite busy necessarily experiencing various problems in the muscles. The grapes contain antioxidants that help muscle recovery is faster and more effective while natural.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

5 Sports To Strengthen Your Heart

The heart is a vital organ in the human body in between some kind of organ that we already know. Cardiac function as an organ that pumps blood that carries oxygen and food -sari cider flowed throughout the human body. Therefore, each of us must always maintain and strengthen the health of the heart organ. One of the most recommended is to do the kinds of exercise for your heart. So, what easy sport to strengthen the cardiovascular health ... ???

     Friend, health tips. There sharing tips that can help strengthen the heart health such as choosing a variety of foods for a healthy heart, healthy lifestyle for a healthier heart and perform a variety of easy tips to maintain heart health. There is one more tips which you should not miss for the health of the heart organ is to do a variety of exercises that can help strengthen your cardiovascular health. Various latihnn your heart can easily practice at the same time does not take up your time. Here are 5 easy type of exercise to strengthen your heart health:

    Perform Sport Foot. Without realizing it, almost every activity we do every day would involve your feet. But as technology advances, the activity of walking began to be replaced with motorbikes and cars. For this reason, take the time to walk 30 minutes in the morning.
    Perform Running Sports. Take the time to do jogging can help strengthen your cardiovascular health. In addition, this exercise can help the body burn calories faster and more. Thus able to lose weight more effectively and naturally.
    Sports Pool. Swimming may be one of the sport fun at the same time become one of the hobby for some people. There are several benefits that can be obtained from the swim as healthy organs and strengthen the heart muscle in your body.
    Or Cycling Bicycle pedaling. Fun, exciting and challenging a few words that can describe the sport of cycling. Routine exercise with cycling will be of great benefit to strengthen cardiovascular health and strengthen muscles and joints in your feet.
    Combination exercise. Exercising by doing one type of exercise constantly will certainly have an impact on the emergence of a sense of boredom. For that, you can schedule daily exercise or combine or merge the sport such as running faster then run. So that heart health is maintained and taste bosanpun be lost.

7 Benefits of Avocados For Body Health

Avocado merupan one type of fruit that has been recognized by most of us. With the soft texture of the fruit flesh makes this fruit is easily consumed and very tasty on the tongue. Not a few of us make the juice from the fruit of this one. However, behind it tastes so good, the fruit also contains various essential nutrients required by the body. So, no wonder many miraculous benefits of the avocado fruit. So, what are the benefits of the magic of the avocado fruit ... ???

      Fairly high source of fiber is one of the attractions to start menghindangkan avocado in your daily diet. With sufficient for the required fiber body, the digestive system will be healthier and avoid from a variety of bowel disorders like constipation. Health tips this time will be to review the various magical benefits of avocado for health that will awaken the reader, that the avocado fruit contains so remarkable for the health of your body. Here are 7 benefits of avocado miraculous for your health:

    One fruit is highly recommended to maintain and improve the health of your heart organ. This is because, avocado contains sources of monounsaturated oleic acid, vitamin E, folate, potassium, phytosterols as well as an important source of fiber. All these nutrients play a major role towards increasing heart health.
    Avocado is also a very complete nutrition for your skin. This is because, avocados contain monounsaturated fats, omega-9 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C and collagen. All of these nutrients help nourish your skin from time to time.
    Extremely Good For Weight Loss Program. This is because, by eating an avocado will make the stomach is in a state of satiety is longer. Will also automatically suppress excessive appetite you have.
    Helpful Extraordinary To Prevent Diabetes. This is because, the content of monounsaturated fats and potassium in avocados can improve the function of insulin and glucose levels in the blood neutralize you.
    Great role To Reduce Inflammation In Your Joints. This is because, avocados contain monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin C and phytosterols that help reduce various types of inflammation in your body.
    Enhance Immune Function Or Immunity In Your Body. This is because, avocado is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C will make one's body is not susceptible to disease seasonal or unpredictable weather changes.
    Enough Effective Stroke deterrent. This is because, avocado contains vitamin E, which serves to lower the oxidation koleterol that would prevent a person exposed to the deadly stroke.

7 Fresh Food Experience as a Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are one of the essential nutrients needed by the body. This is because, one of the main roles of antioxidants that prevent cell damage caused by free radicals that can enter a person's body. Free radicals are mixed with the oxygen we breathe can be a trigger for some types of cancer. A variety of healthy foods are proven to counteract free radicals. So, what are healthy foods that have a natural source of antioxidants that ... ???.

    Friend, health tips. The air is clean and free of pollution it's been very difficult to obtain, especially in urban areas. This may be due to inadequate municipal park plus the increasing number of motorcycles and cars that create pollution through the release of smoke. This has become one of the triggers of the air we breathe is contaminated (mixed) free radicals. Antioxidant nutrients is needed to fight free radicals that enter the body. Here are 7 fresh food as a source of natural antioxidants:

    Tomatoes. Fruit that has the physical characteristics and red colored round proved to be extremely effective to counteract free radicals that enter the body. This is because, tomatoes contain lycopene, which is quite high. The main function of lycopene is as anticancer agents.
    Garlic. One of these herbs have a fairly complete nutritional content such as vitamin A, B, C, selenium, iodine, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Various nutrients is what makes garlic as a source of antioxidants that can counter free radicals.
    Green Tea. Like tea ... ???. Tea, especially green tea was also very nice to counteract free radicals. This is because, green tea contains catechin polyphenols source proven effective in preventing cancer. Highly recommended to drink three (3) cups of green tea every day.
    Broccoli. One vegetable source of natural antioxidants are broccoli. These vegetables contain sulforaphane which serves to combat various types of cancers that can be life-threatening. Hence, it is advisable to begin serving broccoli into your dining table.
    Strawberries. Strawberries ... ???. Yes, strawberries turned out to have various nutritional content such as protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, folate and vitamin A. berbgai is what makes the strawberry nutritional source of antioxidants needed by your body.
    Spinach. This is one of the favorite food "Popeye". In fact, spinach contains a source of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin K, manganese, folate, calcium plus protein and flavonoids. These nutrients which act as antioxidant free-radical scavengers.
    Carrots. This is a healthy food that is also preferred by rabbits. One of the benefits of this vegetable carrot that contains falcarinol plus falcarindiol which serves as an anticancer nutrients and free radical scavengers. Thus, healthy food which is your favorite for the fight against free radicals .... ???.

7 Habits Unique To Make Age Longer

"Death", might be the discussion is often avoided for some people. Not without reason, most of us want to live longer in order to see the children and grandchildren grow up into an adult human. Although human life lies in the power of God Almighty, but without realizing we instead speed up death itself. There are a variety of healthy habits that can prolong a person's age. So, what are the unique habits to make a longer life ... ???.

   Friend, health tips. Various chemicals from a variety of food we eat, in the open air of free radicals that enter the body and a variety of unhealthy lifestyles partly responsible for declining numbers of modern human life. We have to be very clever in maintaining the health of the body itself. This is reflected from the start to be aware of the importance of healthy living behavior every day. Here are 7 habits unique to make a longer life:

    Routine exercise. Yes, regular exercise can help someone get a longer life. You can start by waking up early and start exercise such as walking and running for approximately 30 minutes every day.
    Always On. An active lifestyle helps proven longer life. Make your body often moves every day. You can start with the start gardening, cleaning the house or other vigorous activity according your favorite.
    Accustomed to Eat Fruits And Vegetables. Two of these foods are rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants in it. Special antioxidants, these substances can counteract free radicals that enter the body that can trigger some cancers.
    Not Crazy Spot. There is a familiar term, "Eat when hungry, stop before full". According to some researchers at St. Louis University in 2008, that eating less can make you age more slowly (extend the life of a person).
    Always Connected With Others. Establish a good relationship with your own or others and avoid hostility can make life more calm and happy. This is because, loneliness can increase the risk of heart disease and accelerate the person's death.
    Limiting Watching Television. According to a study in 2010, watching television for four hours or more may increase the risk of premature death by 46 percent. This may be due, while watching television body is forced to sit longer and did not move for a certain period.
    Do Not Smoke. In fact, smoking is one of the unhealthy lifestyle and poison the body in the long run. Another fact, smoking can damage human organs such as the heart, eyes, lungs and kidneys.

7 Powerful Benefits of Drinking Water In The Morning

Water is one of the fresh and very healthy beverage for all members of your body. Can not imagine, if the body is deprived of fluids in a relatively long period of time. Haus is one of the body's response requiring fluid intake time soon. Based on the facts, all the organs of the human body needs fluids or water in an amount sufficient to support the various activities undertaken. The best time to begin to meet the need of water is in the morning. So, what are the benefits of drinking water terrible in the morning for the health of your body ... ???.

   Ideally a person requires eight (8) glasses of water per day. This is because, a lot of activities undertaken which can drain energy and fluids inside the body. If the water needs are not met, it will cause someone to become more quickly exhausted and less productive. The morning after waking from sleep is a good time to start the drinking water. Health tips this time will be to review the various benefits of drinking water in the morning. Here are 7 powerful benefits of drinking water in the morning. :

    Always Appear Younger. In fact, drinking water in the morning is very effective to remove and clean the toxins that are in the blood through sweat and urine. So the body will be healthy and fresh throughout the day.
    Rejuvenation Muscles And Your Blood Cells. Drinking water in the morning helpful for renewing muscles and organs throughout the body's blood cells.
    Balancing lymph system. When the lymph system to work optimally, the body will have more power to fight infections that may interfere with the quality of the health of the body that you have.
    Controlling Body Weight. The ideal body weight is the dream of every person. For those of you who want to adjust the proportional weight, then began to meet the need of water in the morning.
    Have a Healthy Colon. Colon is one organ in our pencernan system. With drinking water in the morning. will have a positive impact on the health of the colon. So that the absorption of food nutrients can run well too.
    Kidney Organ Healthier. Meet the need of water intake in the morning may help ease the kidney organ work while keeping the kidney organ health.
    Streamlining defecation. For someone suffering from constipation or difficult bowel in the morning, then you should drink water when you wake up which aims to assist the smooth bowel movement.

6 Most Important Vitamins Needed Body

Vitamin is one of the nutrients that are needed by your body. Even so, tubuhpun not require excessive amounts of vitamins. Sufficient vitamin in the body is absolutely necessary to support the improvement of the health of a person's body. There are a variety of vitamins that its role is so important in maintaining the health of your body. So, what are various important vitamins needed by the body ... ???.

Health tips. Here are 6 of the most important vitamins needed by your body:

    Vitamin A. Vitamin A has a role to nourish the organs of sight (eyes) you. In addition, vitamin A also plays an important role in maintaining the health of your teeth and skin. Various foodstuffs have sources of vitamin A are carrots, potatoes and melons.
    Vitamin B. Vitamin B has a role to increase endurance, energy sources and help the absorption of iron. Various foodstuffs have good sources of vitamin B are whole grains, potatoes, bananas and beans kacanga.
    Vitamin C. Vitamin C has a role to free-radical scavengers, helping to strengthen blood vessels and tightens the skin and helps the absorption of iron. A variety of foods that have good sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, grapes, strawberries and cabbage.
    Vitamin D. Vitamin D has a role to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones in the body. Morning sun is a source of vitamin D, in addition to a variety of foods that contain good sources of vitamin D are eggs and fish.
    Vitamin E. Vitamin E has a role to help the circulation of blood in the body as well as a source of antioxidants that can counter the cancer-causing free radicals. A variety of foods that have good sources of vitamin E are almonds, tomatoes and on sunflower seeds.
    Vitamin K. Vitamin K has a role in blood clotting process (to help speed the healing process of wounds on parts of your body). Various foods containing vitamin K sources are green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, cabbage and broccoli.

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis in Young Age

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis in Young Age - Osteoporosis is always associated with women who have entered menopause. Because it is associated with the female hormone estrogen, when women were not in a period of 'snag' the hormone estrogen is reduced, and this becomes a sign that the bone density in women also began to decrease.

Although the problem of osteoporosis is often associated with menopausal women but it is also possible that osteoporosis can also occur in men under the age of 30a years or even 20 years, as well as women in that age without being associated with menopause. This is because the problem of osteoporosis can be caused by many things and factors. So before we discuss more about tips to prevent osteoporosis at a young age, first we perhaitkan kinds of osteoporosis (brittle bones) that occurs in humans.
Tips Mencegah Osteoporosis
Based on the cause, Osteoporosis is caused by four reasons, namely: postmenopausal osteoporosis that occurs due to lack of the hormone estrogen, this results in reduced bone density. Osteoporosis occurs in women aged 40-71 years.

Next is senile osteoporosis occurs due to lack of calcium, which is due to the balance in the body. Senile osteoporosis occurs in men and women aged 70 years and over, although women are more at risk of senile osteoporosis. Furthermore, associated with medical conditions or known as secondary osteoporosis. Although only dilami by 5% of people with osteoporosis but an unhealthy lifestyle will determine the risk of secondary osteoporosis.

The fourth is idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis, osteoporosis is not known what causes it. This type usually occurs in children under 20 years. If you indicated with one type of osteoporosis is then immediately into the street and tips to prevent osteoporosis in young age. Here we shre some ways that you must take to prevent bone problems.

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis Young Age

1. Reducing risk factors
The main thing that must be done in an attempt to prevent osteoporosis early is to avoid the risk of bone loss. One is the body that is too thin, thin or lack of bone mass causes the body does not produce the cells, so that bone mass is not formed.

Another factor that could happen is a style mistake when sleeping, or sitting too frequently, this can also make bones porous, because the body is less produce bone cells.

2. Exercise regularly
Sport is an important thing to do to stimulate the bone mass accretion. If you are reluctant to exercise it reluctantly in forming bone mass density, making it easy Osteoporosis occurs.

3. Adequate nutrition
Kiss calcium in preventing osteoporosis is very important so that healthy bone always. Then suggested to consume 2 cups of milk in a single day, as well as by consuming dairy products. In addition, also equipped with vitamin D so that the absorption of calcium can maksmal. Add to the intake of protein such as tofu, tempeh and beans, thereby reducing the risk of the occurrence of bone fracture.

4. Changing lifestyles
Tips to prevent osteoporosis at a young age next is to change your lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle. Do not like to consume soft drinks, because these drinks will produce parathyroid agents working for the release of calcium in the blood.

Avoid smoking and caffeinated beverages, because it can interfere with calcium in the bones. Smoking will accelerate the absorption of the bone, thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis at a young age.

Thus tips and ways to prevent osteoporosis at a young age. By replacing the lifestyle of the poor to health, the health of the bone will be safeguarded from loss and osteoporosis. Hopefully this article useful

8 Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women Consumption

8 Healthy food for pregnant women. This time we will see healthy foods and should be consumed by pregnant women. The gestation period is a period where a mother should really pay attention to the food that is in asupnya, because the food it will affect the fetus. If the food consumed by pregnant mothers are malnourished it will affect the fetus also unhealthy. So the husband's attention and pregnant women themselves to healthy food should really be done.
8 Makanan Sehat untuk ibu hamil

In this post we will share healthy food dokonsumsi 10 pregnant women. What are good foods and encouraged to eat during pregnancy and what foods should dipantang during pregnancy. The following foods are good for pregnant women.

List of Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women

1. Walnut
For those of you who do not like to fish or eggs you can replace it with walnut as a food source of omega 3. Omega 3 is very important for the sake of pregnant women consumed the brain development of babies in the womb, and while menyesui. Other sources of omega 3 are fish such as mackerel, salmon, broccoli.

2. Green vegetables
Important food consumed during pregnancy also include dark green vegetables, or green vegetables. Such as spinach, vegetables that contain a lot of fiber is important to support the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Green vegetables that contain vitamins such as vitamins K, A, and C is very important vitmain consumed during pregnancy.

3. Konsumis multicolored vegetables
During pregnancy, you need different types of vitmain, minerals and nutrients for the sake of your own health and the fetus. Eat colorful foods is one way to meet a variety vitmain you need, such as red, green, yellow, orange, white etc.

4. Grains
Other healthy foods to mothers hamila dalah seeds, all types of grains can be eaten for the sake of sufficient many vitamins. Healthy grains such as popcorn, wheat, oatmeal. These foods contain a lot of vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients.

5. Meat fat-free
Meat is a good source of protein for health steeper. Eat meat-free tran fat, because fat in the meat is a type of fat that is destructive and can block blood flow. And do not eat hot dogs or meat undercooked or overcooked because there keungkinan to infected toxoplasma parasites such as Listeria monocytogenes, or salmonella in infants.

6. Eggs
Eggs are one source of various vitamins, at least 12 vitamins in eggs. Eggs are also a source of protein that is needed by the baby in the process of development. Eggs also contain choline baby needs for brain health. In addition, eggs can also prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects in babies.

7. Salmon
Fish rich in omega-3 is unfortunately not live in Indonesia, but this fish imported from outside. Salmon consumed during pregnancy is very important because these foods will suffice baby needs to omega-3. But advised not to consume excessive Salmon, a maximum of 12 ounces in a week, the point is to avoid the rich content of mercury.

8. Nuts
During pregnancy you have to meet the needs of healthy protein for the body. Nuts are one good source of protein for pregnant women in a waiting period of 9 months of pregnancy. There are many good beans consumed pregnant women such as beans, chickpeas, almonds, peanuts and others.

That's 8 healthy food consumed by pregnant women, note the continued food and asup for your health and the fetus continues to improve and does not happen anything that does not want. Maintain health during pregnancy is much more important, because not only the health of yourself that is maintained but also the baby who will attend to this world. Hope it is useful.

10 Healthy Foods to Maintain Weight

Weight loss is a result of the consumption of various foods that contain more calories. 10 FOOD healthy to maintain your ideal weight is important you make as your food. Weight loss occurs because a person's intake of various foods that contain a lot of calories, or calories more than your body needs. There is a way to keep the stomach remains full for a long time, namely by consuming certain foods so that you do not want to eat fast.
Makanan Sehat Menjaga Berat Badan

Healthy food to maintain body weight are high-fiber foods, mengenandung protein, fats and foods like this is generally contain a lot of water in it. Eating healthy foods will keep your stomach full for a long time and avoid you from a variety of unhealthy snacks. Here we present these healthy foods, may be a solution for those of you who want to lose weight and keep the body ideal.
List of Healthy Food Guard Weight

1. Apples
Apples no stranger among us as a healthy fruit for health. Including apple fruit with easily digestible fiber body and be beneficial to the fight against cholesterol. The content quecertin, plavanoid in apples could be apples as the fruit is able to fight cancer in the body. Consumption of 1 ape every day can keep you healthy. We recommend that you do not peel the apple skin, but wash out and eaten immediately.

2. Almonds
Almonds including one among the many healthy foods. Consume them in a state already processed or raw foods provide fiber make for your body, so you will have full longer and prevent your food a lot. Almonds are also good as a source of iron, magnesium, and vitamin E.

3. Blueberries
Blueberries contain vitain C, fiber and anti-oxidants that are beneficial to health. mengkosumsi blueberries in raw or by mixing in other healthy foods such as yogurt, cereals, salads and others allow you to get the benefits of a blue berry. Other types of berries also contain the same benefits to you.

4. Vegetables Spinach
Spinach leaves including healthy vegetables that the body needs. Beneficial for hair health, skin health. Spinach contains lots of magnesium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C.

5. Beans
The next healthy food is red bean. Red beans contain a lot of fiber that are essential to the body. In red beans also contain protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium high. You can eat red beans directly, you can also add them in salads, in soups or in other foods to add healthy food and provide more nutrients.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is a healthy vegetable, especially for infants, pregnant women. Broccoli can be a source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C. Preferably consume cooked broccoli with not very mature so that the content of anti-oxidants didalmnya maintained. Avoid using a sauce or other flavorings, as this is bad for health.

7. UBI Wood
Ubi also includes healthy foods, especially when cooked with roasted. Cassava is a source for vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and E. In addition, cassava low in calories.

8. Salmon
Salmon is a freshwater fish species that live in the Amazon. Salmon is very good for health because it contains a lot of protein, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for infant intelligence.

9. Wheat
Good grain to your diet, you can consume in the form of bread or ISY (food Arabs). Wheat can make the stomach Kenyak and durable so that you do not always want to eat a lot. Gandung a source of vitamin B3, thiamine or vitamin B1, iron, fiber, and vitamin E.

10 Soybean.
Foods commonly used in vegetarian products. Soy is a source of omega 3, calcium, and iron. Soybean is the raw material for tempeh, tofu, milk and other milk products.

10 healthy foods that keep your body weight is important into your diet food. For andayang intending to slim and trim make this meal as daily food. Avoid eating foods that contain a lot of calories and tran fats or saturated fats such as deep fried food.

Carrots Helpful for Skin Lightening and Digestive

Are the vegetables crunchy carrots only beneficial to lighten the skin and digestion? Carrots as crunchy vegetables do have various health benefits. Consuming carrots can keep the body healthy and youthful. Beauty and youthful is the desire of everyone, so very many people who start keeping diets and food each day. Salahs atu healthy foods are carrots that become food sources of vitamin A and vitamin C, so the carrot is able to make healthy eyes and clear skin clean.

In addition, carrots Vegetables also contain a lot of fiber so Helpful for Skin Lightening and digestion, and many more benefits of carrots for health.

1. Anti-inflammatory
Carrot vegetable is good for health, it contains anti-inflammatory substances that carrots are a healthy food that is able to avoid pain, headaches, or stomach pain and other inflammatory problems. Eating carrots can be a variety of ways, can make juice, make salad, or cooked in soup broth.

2. Against cancer cells
Carrots it can also be a powerful foods in the fight against cancer cells. the content of vitamin A and vitamin C in carrots berfugsi as beta-carotene, and beta-carotene is beneficial to stimulate the production of white blood cells in the body to fight various types of cancer cells in the body.

3. Carrots improve the digestive system
Carrots are known with healthy fiber-rich fruit. That is why when making juice should not be filtered, because the carrot pulp contains a lot of very useful fiber digestion and improve the performance of the digestive system. In addition, the carrot also contains vitamin B and vitamin A and magnesium which can nourish the body's natural health.

4. Anti-aging
Carrots are also useful to repel free radicals in the body because they contain a lot of anti-oxidants, thus inhibiting and premature aging. Eating carrots every day either in the form of juice or any other form, can maintain their ideal body weight.

5. Carrots anti-bacterial
Minuamn carrots are also able to repel bacteria and parasites in the body. The content of vitamin C can menignkat body immunity, if you're the objec fat due to reduced immunity, then eat carrot juice combined with lemon juice to keep the vitality of the body.

6. Eliminate Acne
Carrots are beneficial srerba vegetables. Another manfat of carrots is get rid of acne. The content of vitamin A in carrots make the skin clear and acne free. For healthy skin, it seems you do not need to spend a lot of money for medication, simply by using natural materials such as carrots you can get healthy and bright skin and acne free.

5 Food Diet to Lose Weight Naturally

Keeping the weight it is important that health remains excellent, there are certain foods that can reduce body weight for those who experience the above ideal body weight. Food diet to lose weight naturally this turned out foods that often we eat everyday, it's just that maybe we did not eat it regularly because it does not know the health benefits of the fruit behind.
Makanan Diet Menurunkan Berat Badan
Lose weight with a healthy diet of natural foods is a healthy way to maintain health. Rather than buying potions or certain drugs for weight loss is better to use a healthy diet to lose weight, as reported by There are at least five types of healthy foods to the diet to lose weight is good, namely:

1. Tomatoes
The tomato is a fruit that is rich in fiber, so eat tomatoes will quickly feel full and will avoid you from overeating. Consuming tomatoes will make you feel full throughout the day.

2. Eggs
Who does not like the eggs, there was no one for those of you who like premises eggs, because the eggs are a healthy food. Protein content in eggs will retain your hunger so do not wish to add or continue your meal. In fact, according to a study conducted by the "International Journal of Obesity" in 2008 said that people who consumed two eggs at breakfast have the possibility to be able to lose weight 65% rather than people who eat bread begel at breakfast.

3. Salmon
Terkneal salmon is low in omega 3 which is very good for brain development in children and healthy for consumption by anyone. Fat in salmon will satiate someone quickly, thereby reducing the size of the meal. In addition to a source of omega-3 fats, salmon is also a good source of protein and low in fat are known.

4. Almonds
almonds or walnuts also be a healthy food for the diet to lose weight. According to research that people who consume almonds twice a week had a high success rate on diets to lose weight than those who did not consume almonds.

5. Apples
Apples are a healthy fruit that is rich in fiber. Thus consuming apples are very good for you that running the diet program. You can eat apples just as much, because Apple will not make you fat.

That's 5 types of food diet to lose weight recommended health experts. Hopefully this article be fresh material for those of you who are or who want to run pogroms menurnkan diet weight naturally.

Kinds of Food for Smooth Blood Circulation

People are often distracted by the blood flow or circulation need to consume food for blood circulation. Inhibition of blood flow can cause cramps in the legs, tingling and even can cause delayed wound healing. Indeed, many supplements are intended to smooth the blood but most supplements can provide other negative effects on health.
Makanan Melancarkan Sirkulasi Darah
Then, more we get back to nature and the foods that can enhance blood circulation well. Before you read a food-eating tersrebut, need diketahu that overdue or impaired blood circulation is due to lack of nutrition and exercise.
Food for blood circulation

1. Onion and garlic
You certainly do not like onions or garlic. Is not it ..! but you should know that onion and garlic is a natural substance that is able to sterilize blood, purify the blood and removing plaque on blood vessel walls, and onions can also lower cholesterol.

Even onions and garlic can also maintain and boost immunity terhdap variety of bacterial and fungal attack.

2. Brown
Brown is good and delicious food that is liked by everyone. The food is not only delicious but also very nice to smooth the blood, so it is also known chocolate good for the heart. The flavonoids in chocolate will increase sirkulais blood throughout the body and lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure.

3. Oranges
Vitamin C are citrus fruit, with the rich content of vitamin C make the lemon into pieces appropriate for blood flow. Its vitamin C content will thin the blood so that the blood to be smooth and to avoid blood clots.

Many studies suggest that foods containing vitamin C could be a stout blood thinners and act as anti-oxidants that will get rid of toxins in the blood.

4. Olive Oil
Foods that can enhance blood circulation next is olive oil. Olive oil is not only used in beauty but also a very large health benefits. Olive oil not only contains vitamins A, E, D and K, but also good for bone mamdatkan, lowering cholesterol, heart menyhatkan so that the blood circulation throughout the body.

5. Grains and legumes
Two natural food is very good for healthy skin and hair, so that people who consume a handful of nuts every day will get the skin bright and shiny black hair. The food is not hanyamengandung niacin, vitamin B3, omega 3 fatty acids, but also blood flow.

Thus healthy foods for blood flow. Keep always a healthy lifestyle for a healthy life. Nature has given everything to human health, living human being how to utilize nature's goodness, beauty or even otherwise use nature for the destruction of various animals and man himself.

Food for Patients with Stomach Acid

Food for Patients with Stomach Acid - Stomach acid is a condition of imbalance of acid in the stomach so that it can menggangggu various activities because of stomach discomfort. Disease stomach acid could be transformed into a cone disease, let's say like the lung, fibrosis, asthma etc.
Makanan Asam Lambung
Under conditions of the stomach is not healthy you need to pay attention to food, especially should not eat spicy foods, fruits and vegetables that contain as acid which we have explained in previous articles "foods cause stomach acid".

Here are some foods that are healthy and can be consumed by people with stomach acid:

1. Lean meat
  • These foods can be like
  • Skinless chicken breast
  • beef into small pieces
  • Fish
  • Avoid fried meat, but eat grilled meat

2. Fruits and vegetables without acid
  • apples, bananas
  • strawberries
  • baked potato
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • peas
  • green beans
  • carrots
  • zucchini.
  • Cheese and dairy products are low in fat

3. Cereals
  • cereal grain
  • oatmeal
  • rice

Such types of food for Patients Stomach Acid. Remember stomach acid can happen anytime, especially for those of you who frequent full meal portions or lots. so to reduce the risk of stomach acid to change your eating style, reduce food and suggested that chewing food longer in order to reduce the work of the stomach.

Food That Can Increase Stomach Acid

Foods that can raise stomach acid needs to be watched especially while acid reflux. Flatulence, or ulcer disease is the result of acid reflux, so be careful with foods that can trigger stomach acid. So you are often recur frequently bloated stomach acid or stomach should avoid the following foods.

makanan asam lambung

Raising food Stomach Acid

1. Vegetables
Vegetables such as cabbage, cabbage, broccoli and onion is a vegetable that can trigger stomach acid. Why is that, because these vegetables contain a high enough acid.

2. The side dishes
Types of side dishes containing high-fat, high oil and also includes a trigger of stomach acid. Examples are mutton, beef and various fried.

3. Soft drinks
If you have symptoms of stomach acid should not drink soft drinks, such as soft drinks, beer and other drinks containing caffeine such as coffee and tea are also included drinks that can stimulate the occurrence of gastric acid.

4. Fruits acid
The type of fruit that can increase stomach acid is acidic fruits such as citrus fruits, berries, citrus and grapes.

That food can raise stomach acid and should be avoided for those of you who have symptoms or frequent kemubung stomach and heartburn.

Broccoli Vegetables for Health Benefits

Benefits of Broccoli Vegetables for Health - Vegetables is one of the healthy foods that should be consumed every heart for smooth digestion and maintain a healthy body healthy. Among the healthy green vegetable is broccoli, broccoli known as vegetables rich in fiber and rich in antioxidants and folic acid which is good for health. The content of antioxidants in vegetables broccoli green vegetables make this as an anti-cancer food.

So also for the health of the baby, folic acid content in vegetables, broccoli is good for the growth of this little one. Other content in vegetables broccoli is vitamin C, K, and B9. It is also a source of food that is rich in beta-carotene, potassium, and sulforaphane. Pokonya consume broccoli endless health benefits. To be more clear, let's see what are the benefits of broccoli for health.
Manfaat Sayur Brokoli bagi Kesehatan

Benefits of Broccoli for Health Body

1. Reduce allergies and inflammation
Broccoli contains anti-inflammatory, phytonutrients, kaempferol and isothiocyanates. This substance will make vegetable broccoli as a healthy food that can prevent allergies and inflammation. The food is nice consumed all ages.

2. Maintaining a healthy heart
The content of Lutein in broccoli makes a great broccoli to prevent thickening of the arteries that lead to the swordfish smooth blood flow to the heart. Vitamin B6 and folate in broccoli can also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

3. Maintain healthy skin
The content of minerals and vitamins in broccoli is also very beneficial for the body. Broccoli can keep the skin from cell damage caused by free radicals. Make skin appear bright and shining all day. So for those of you who want to look beautiful, improve skin health first, if it's settled then the beauty will come by itself.

4. Good for bone health
In broccoli contain calcium and vitamin B, copper and zinc are known to be very good to support healthy bones, teeth. Additionally in broccoli also contains vitmain K which can prevent osteoporosis.

5. Prevent damage to cells
In a study revealed that sulforaphane can activate antioxidant and detoxification enzymes, specifically in the body that help protect body cells structural damage, carcinogens and DNA molecules are damaged.

6. Prevent Cancer
Broccoli Vegetables Health benefits for other body that could prevent cancer. Broccoli vegetables rich in glucoraphanin substances, which can be transformed into compounds that can prevent cancer. Cruciferous vegetables are also rich in indole-3-carbinol which is a very powerful antioxidant. Anti-carcinogenic properties of broccoli is effective in blocking the development of prostate cancer, cervical and breast cancer.

7. Enhance immune
Eating broccoli regularly can also boost immunity. The content of Sulforaphane in this healthy vegetable is able to slow oxidation in the body and slow down premature aging that prevents skin wrinkles and dead skin.

Here are some benefits of broccoli for health. There are still very many benefits of green healthy vegetable juice, may on the other occasions we can review it further.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Symptoms and How to Treat Diabetes in Pregnant Women

Symptoms of diabetes and how to treat diabetes in the mother understood is important to know all the info mothers and fathers, because pregnant women are at greater risk of contracting diabetes terhdap. Then we should recognize the symptoms of diabetes as early as possible in order to more quickly towards handling and no impact on the fetus of a pregnant woman.
Gejala dan Cara Mengobati Diabetes
Knowing the symptoms of diabetes, there are two ways, namely by examining blood when in a fasting state and blood check when the time is not fasting, ie 2 hours after eating. Fasting blood sugar was 100 mg / dl, while the people are not fasting blood sugar usually 140mg / dl. If the blood sugar readings above indicate the lift then classified into diabetes.
The symptoms of diabetes in pregnant women

- Many pee
- Many eat
- Many drink
- Weight dropped drastically
- Recurring boils, itching in the skin and genitals, vaginal discharge, feeling tired, often sleepy, and often numb.
These are some of the signs and symptoms that are often associated in people with diabetes or diabetes. If you feel there are things like that, you should check out a doctor to make sure, whether it diabets or not.
Treating Diabetes in Pregnant Women

So how to treat diabetes naturally. If you think you suffer from diabetes, then you need to do some ways the treatment of diabetes as below.

1. Do Diet. Pay attention to your diet, avoid sugary foods as simple as sugary drinks and sweet snacks. For more tepta consultation with a nutritionist. Perform a healthy diet as recommended by nutritionists, because if the lack of calories in the body can also affect hypoglycemia, a condition limp and may even faint. In this way the doctor will continue to monitor your blood sugar, if the sugar content decreases, then continue the diet. If not, or even increases, do the next step.

2. Always control your blood sugar. Buy gauges blood sugar practical

3. Injecting Insulin. This needs to be done to causey insulindalam body. Because diabetics decreased insulin. While pregnant women are not allowed to mengkosumsi drugs that can merandang insulin, so the alternative is to inject insulin.

4. You need to monitor Hypoglycemia. It is important to note lest your blood sugar drop. You can snack but not sweets.

5. Moderate exercise for pregnant women. This could mean as light activity that you do at home such as cleaning the house, washing dishes, walking light and other trivial things can lower blood sugar levels.

Thus quick info on how to treat mild diabetes that affects pregnant women. Observe your health, if you get signs of diabetes as mentioned above, immediately contact your doctor to make sure your state, then you can seek treatment for naturally or hospital.

This He Symptoms of Cervical Cancer in Women

One of them is a deadly disease of cancer, in women is often times the case of cervical cancer is not the least result in death. Therefore, it is important for women to know the symptoms of ovarian cancer, so it could be a quick step in taking solutions.
Gejala-Gejala Kanker Rahim Pada Wanita
Cervical cancer is cancer that attacks the uterus, and usually there are two kinds of name is that of endometrial cancer and ulterian. The second type of uterine cancer is in need of immediate medical handler if tidka could endanger a woman's health. The woman who was attacked by cancer of the uterus is also no symptoms before it actually becomes cancerous. So in this article kesehatan82 blog will provide an explanation of the symptoms of cervical cancer of women, with the aim that women can detect early uterine cancer and could be given a solution as soon as possible.
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

1. Losing weight can suddenly become one of the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Moreover, if weight loss occurs when you are doing a diet tidka. Steps need to be taken is immediately examine the medical.

2. Bloating of the stomach are other symptoms of ovarian cancer. A woman who had cervical cancer will usually feel their bloated unusual. Abdominal bloating usually make a lot of gas, but the difference with this bloated, flatulent symptoms of uterine cancer is not only the stomach but also so that the part of your hips.

3. Changes in breasts. It is also a matter that should be considered by women. Indeed, a woman's breasts often changed throughout the procession with the menstrual cycle. But if breast changes color changed to red, then you should be aware of, because this could be a symptom of cervical cancer for women.

4. Menstruation is not normal. Abnormal menstrual cycle as you normally experience can also be a symptom. So always pay attention to your menstrual cycle, If the first you experience irregular menstrual periods, then changed it should be wary. So is the color of menstrual blood, that blood color changes, then check the medicine.

5. Changes in skin color. Skin discoloration also be symptoms of the emergence of cancer of the uterus, there is his mole that appears on the skin can be one of the signs to watch out for. Likewise, if frequent bleeding from the skin without cause. This open trivial things that could go unpunished, but early detection of any suspicious symptoms so you can get early treatment.

10 Signs of Alzheimer's Disease in Need To Know

10 Signs of Alzheimer's disease - Alzheimer's is a disease that causes a person to forget trivial things like forget this date or what day. Alzheimer's patients can survive in dire need of attention from those closest to him or her rather than medical attention.

"The medical Pengobatas only slow the effects of Alzheimer's," said Executive Director of Alzheimer Indonesia (ALZI) Dr Suharya in a discussion titled "The Importance of Knowing" in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/9).

So, how do we know Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's disease is to determine the course we must first know the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Here are 10 signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's is very important to know.
10 Tanda Penyakit Alzheimer

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

1. Memory Disorders
Memory disappears and generally disturbed. People who normally would forget things that just said and sometimes asked the same question repeatedly anaesthetized or telling the same thing several times. One ganggauan memories that often occurs is sure to be a partkir.

2. Difficult Focus
Other symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is difficult to focus, usually people with Alzheimer symptoms they would say "difficult to focus" on the job trivial, or even they forget how to cook, and sometimes can not finish the job that sepel though.

3. Patients Confused
Alzheimer's patients have trouble doing routine activities, such as difficult to make plans or tidy up everyday tasks, confused how to drive, and hard to manage finances. These include the arrival of a sign of Alzheimer's.

4. Disorientation
It is feeling confused about the day, what day, what date, how he came kesisini, or confused how to go home, or where he is.

5. Difficulty Visuopasial
Patients with Alzheimer's difficult to determine the distance, distinguish colors, determine the size, or do not know the color of dicermin, crashing into the mirror, people pouring water in a glass but spilled.

6. Communication Disorders
Symptoms or signs of Alzheimer's disease more difficult to determine which patients with words in speaking, or stopped in the middle of talks and difficult to connect the conversation.

7. Forget
The next azheimer sign that people often forget, forgot to put the goods or even often assume anyone steal or pick it up when goods are placed in one place.

8. Not excited
Patients lackluster and difficult to bergaulan, not spirit when met with many friends, and not the spirit of doing hobynya. Easily frustrated, easily discouraged and always depend on the family.

Here are some signs of Alzheimer's disease in which to watch. So once again that patients with this disease need to get a lot of love and attention from his family rather than medical treatment. Treatment may be simply to overcome or slow the progression of the disease.

9. Changes in personality
Other Alzheimer sign that a change both behavior and kepriadiannya drastically, confused, suspicious, depressed.