Sunday, June 14, 2015

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis in Young Age

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis in Young Age - Osteoporosis is always associated with women who have entered menopause. Because it is associated with the female hormone estrogen, when women were not in a period of 'snag' the hormone estrogen is reduced, and this becomes a sign that the bone density in women also began to decrease.

Although the problem of osteoporosis is often associated with menopausal women but it is also possible that osteoporosis can also occur in men under the age of 30a years or even 20 years, as well as women in that age without being associated with menopause. This is because the problem of osteoporosis can be caused by many things and factors. So before we discuss more about tips to prevent osteoporosis at a young age, first we perhaitkan kinds of osteoporosis (brittle bones) that occurs in humans.

Tips Mencegah Osteoporosis
Based on the cause, Osteoporosis is caused by four reasons, namely: postmenopausal osteoporosis that occurs due to lack of the hormone estrogen, this results in reduced bone density. Osteoporosis occurs in women aged 40-71 years.

Next is senile osteoporosis occurs due to lack of calcium, which is due to the balance in the body. Senile osteoporosis occurs in men and women aged 70 years and over, although women are more at risk of senile osteoporosis. Furthermore, associated with medical conditions or known as secondary osteoporosis. Although only dilami by 5% of people with osteoporosis but an unhealthy lifestyle will determine the risk of secondary osteoporosis.

The fourth is idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis, osteoporosis is not known what causes it. This type usually occurs in children under 20 years. If you indicated with one type of osteoporosis is then immediately into the street and tips to prevent osteoporosis in young age. Here we shre some ways that you must take to prevent bone problems.

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis Young Age

1. Reducing risk factors
The main thing that must be done in an attempt to prevent osteoporosis early is to avoid the risk of bone loss. One is the body that is too thin, thin or lack of bone mass causes the body does not produce the cells, so that bone mass is not formed.

Another factor that could happen is a style mistake when sleeping, or sitting too frequently, this can also make bones porous, because the body is less produce bone cells.

2. Exercise regularly
Sport is an important thing to do to stimulate the bone mass accretion. If you are reluctant to exercise it reluctantly in forming bone mass density, making it easy Osteoporosis occurs.

3. Adequate nutrition
Kiss calcium in preventing osteoporosis is very important so that healthy bone always. Then suggested to consume 2 cups of milk in a single day, as well as by consuming dairy products. In addition, also equipped with vitamin D so that the absorption of calcium can maksmal. Add to the intake of protein such as tofu, tempeh and beans, thereby reducing the risk of the occurrence of bone fracture.

4. Changing lifestyles
Tips to prevent osteoporosis at a young age next is to change your lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle. Do not like to consume soft drinks, because these drinks will produce parathyroid agents working for the release of calcium in the blood.

Avoid smoking and caffeinated beverages, because it can interfere with calcium in the bones. Smoking will accelerate the absorption of the bone, thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis at a young age.

Thus tips and ways to prevent osteoporosis at a young age. By replacing the lifestyle of the poor to health, the health of the bone will be safeguarded from loss and osteoporosis. Hopefully this article useful


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