Saturday, June 13, 2015

10 Signs of Alzheimer's Disease in Need To Know

10 Signs of Alzheimer's disease - Alzheimer's is a disease that causes a person to forget trivial things like forget this date or what day. Alzheimer's patients can survive in dire need of attention from those closest to him or her rather than medical attention.

"The medical Pengobatas only slow the effects of Alzheimer's," said Executive Director of Alzheimer Indonesia (ALZI) Dr Suharya in a discussion titled "The Importance of Knowing" in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/9).

So, how do we know Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's disease is to determine the course we must first know the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Here are 10 signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's is very important to know.

10 Tanda Penyakit Alzheimer

Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

1. Memory Disorders
Memory disappears and generally disturbed. People who normally would forget things that just said and sometimes asked the same question repeatedly anaesthetized or telling the same thing several times. One ganggauan memories that often occurs is sure to be a partkir.

2. Difficult Focus
Other symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is difficult to focus, usually people with Alzheimer symptoms they would say "difficult to focus" on the job trivial, or even they forget how to cook, and sometimes can not finish the job that sepel though.

3. Patients Confused
Alzheimer's patients have trouble doing routine activities, such as difficult to make plans or tidy up everyday tasks, confused how to drive, and hard to manage finances. These include the arrival of a sign of Alzheimer's.

4. Disorientation
It is feeling confused about the day, what day, what date, how he came kesisini, or confused how to go home, or where he is.

5. Difficulty Visuopasial
Patients with Alzheimer's difficult to determine the distance, distinguish colors, determine the size, or do not know the color of dicermin, crashing into the mirror, people pouring water in a glass but spilled.

6. Communication Disorders
Symptoms or signs of Alzheimer's disease more difficult to determine which patients with words in speaking, or stopped in the middle of talks and difficult to connect the conversation.

7. Forget
The next azheimer sign that people often forget, forgot to put the goods or even often assume anyone steal or pick it up when goods are placed in one place.

8. Not excited
Patients lackluster and difficult to bergaulan, not spirit when met with many friends, and not the spirit of doing hobynya. Easily frustrated, easily discouraged and always depend on the family.

Here are some signs of Alzheimer's disease in which to watch. So once again that patients with this disease need to get a lot of love and attention from his family rather than medical treatment. Treatment may be simply to overcome or slow the progression of the disease.

9. Changes in personality
Other Alzheimer sign that a change both behavior and kepriadiannya drastically, confused, suspicious, depressed.


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