Wednesday, June 10, 2015

10 Diabetes Signs You Need To Know

10 Signs of Diabetes that needs to be known. Diabetes is a disease that often occurs sugar and experienced parents. Diabetes is also referred to as diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is caused by many factors, with simtoma form of chronic hyperglycemia and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Diabetes, including diseases that do not provide a clear sign, so that many people do not know that he had diabetes.

10 Tanda Diabetes
So knowing 10 following signs of diabetes are important, as early as possible in order to get relief from diabetes. In the United States approximately 24 million people suffer from diabetes, but only 18 million people who knew that he was exposed to diabetes or diabetes. and because it is also the diabetes is said to silnet killer, the killer disease silently.

Signs of diabetes may not seem obvious premises except by doing blood tests. So, when you should check your blood, note 10 of the following, if you experience it immediately check yourself medicine.
10 Signs You Need in Diabetes Know

1. Frequent thirst and excessive urination
Keitka a person suffering from diabetes, at that time the kidneys to work extra strong to remove the glucose in the blood, so people will feel the urge to urinate constantly. Likewise thirst, because too many small iar dispose of thirst will occur in tandem.

2. Losing weight significantly
Excess glucose in the body will lead to drastic weight loss, 5-10 kilograms weight will disappear in 2-3 builan. This is certainly not a healthy weight loss.

The hormone insulin can not convert glucose into energy that the body begins to take and break down proteins to be used as an alternative energy. It would be more harmful to the body. In addition, the kidneys are working hard to remove the glucose in the body resulting in burning calories so harmful to the kidneys.

3. Excessive hunger
Lizard high blood sugar and can not be converted into energy will certainly hamper the process of metabolism. Because insulin was not able to send glucose into the body's cells then send signals to be able to get more glucose that the body's cells function better premises.

4. Dry skin
Terjaidnya skin problems such as itching and dry skin is often a sign of diabetes which must be wary.

5. Luka difficult to cure
Another sign of diabetes is the difficulty of healing in wounds or bruises. This occurs because of damage to veins and arteries due to a lot of the amount of glucose in the blood. Kondisini make it difficult to reach the skin blood for healing.

6. Fungal Infections
Body of excess glucose will be a soft nest for the development of bacteria and fungi. This is because the immune system weakens, allowing the body to infection and infection is among the most easily is the occurrence of a fungal infection.

7. Fatigue and angry
Tired and angry is often a sign that a person is attacked diabetes. Often up at night to urinate and sleep uncomfortable cause a person tired and angry. This condition would give a sign that someone is uncomfortable in keseharinnya.

8. Vision becomes blurred
This is the result and the direct effects of high blood sugar levels. Lizard high sugar can cause faulty eye lens and makes the eye becomes blurred. But this condition can be cured and return to normal when the blood sugar decreased or nearly normal.

If you do not control blood sugar levels that could cause permanent eye damage and blindness.

9. Tingling and numbness
Signs of diabetes was nestle your nerves are often felt tingling and numbness. This condition can cause death if left permanent nerve.

10. The blood test
Another sign that a blood test. Blood tests are also not just once, but it must be done several times to ensure that diabetes is positive or negative.

Normal blood glucose was 99 mg / dL. Blood sugar level of 100 to 125 mg / dL would be considered as prediabetes.

Thus 10 Diabetes Signs You Need to Know to receive treatment in as soon as possible and that diabetes can be cured properly.


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