Saturday, June 13, 2015

How to Grow Hair Naturally Bald

How to Grow Hair Balding. Bald hair looks really bad and very embarrassing for sebahagian people. Hair is the crown of a woman, without the hair of a woman like a queen without mahkoto, it has not been complete and perfect. For those of you that are bald or hairy, you should read how to grow hair naturally bald. Someone who has the hair will look more handsome if it was a boy, and will look more beautiful when it is a woman. So who does not want to look more beautiful and handsome, certainly all want this beautiful nature.

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How to grow hair naturally bald is very easy for you to apply, in addition to the material that is easy didapt also very easy to use. You only need natural ingredients that actually there are many in your home, or you just need kekedai setidanya spice to buy it. So, it is not wrong if it can help you and give you a solution to the bald and had long thick hair on the head crave you. Here we look at how to grow straight hair.
Bald Hair to Grow by Car Experience

1. Wearing Eggs
Who is not familiar with the eggs, the material has always been the daily diet at home. To grow bald hair you can take advantage of kuing egg, use the egg yolk on rabut and hair roots, then massage-massage your scalp gently. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with a suitable shampoo to your scalp. These eggs are usually used material will leave the fishy smell in the head. So that the smell is not the head of your stay, you simply apply the traditional way is 4 times a week.

2. Using Skin Apples
Apple into your snack foods each day, it is still good to grow your hair bald. Foods that are rich in vitamins and polyphenols is capable of being natural ingredients that nourish the hair perfectly, eliminating the disease of hair loss. The trick is to puree the apple skin and apply on your scalp. Allow up to 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

3. Using Green Tea
Green tea contains many antioxidants are able to improve blood circulation kerambut, besides that green tea is also very good for hair growth and a cooling sensation on the scalp so that it can stimulate hair growth. CRAA use green tea to grow hair is also quite easy and simple.

And ahanya need to brew green tea, and abiarkan to cool, then basuk your scalp with green tea, allow up to 20 minutes while the head is covered with a towel, and rinse thoroughly.

4. Using coconut milk
Coconut milk is an active ingredient that can be used in growing hair bald or balding head. Take about 500ml and basuhkan your head with coconut milk, allow up to 20 minutes while the head covered with a towel. Santantidak only works grow hair, but also more active in making the hair shiny and smooth. Perform 3 to 4 times in semingga regularly for maximum results and optimal.

5. Grow your hair with olive oil
Very good olive oil you use to grow hair. Take a few drops of olive oil and apply on the hair and scalp, should be used at night so that the olive oil is absorbed into the scalp. Do it on a regular basis for a satisfactory result.

6. Using Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is a plant from China are very effective for hair loss and grow hair. The Chinese plant used as a herb oil hair grower. You can get the oil Ginkgo Biloba in pharmacies and drug stores in China. Ginkgo Biloba apply oil on the scalp until absorbed rub the head.

It only sebahagian way balding hair grow naturally, there are many more herbs that can potion of natural ingredients for hair growth, such as hazelnut seeds etc. Inshallah as the connection of this article we will continue at other times.


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