Efficacy Consuming Fish Eels
Eel is a type of animal that usually lives in the mud, and many were found in Indonesia. Most people would not like this one because the animal body shape and smooth and amused. Animals were named Latin albus Monopterus an animal that has a shape resembling a snake or a brother that is in the sea. Eel also has a smooth skin due to the mucus on the skin and belong to the nocturnal animals. Well, because that's a lot of people who do not want to hold the animal is even reluctant to consume them. In fact, eels can be consumed and have benefits for health.
Nutrition Fish Eels
Nutrient content in the eel itself there are quite a lot and is similar to the type of fish - other fish. Ingredients such as omega-3, omega-6, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, calories, magnesium, cholesterol, zinc, selenium, folate, phosphorus, etc. Thus, the eel is a food source that is beneficial to health. Here are some benefits of eels for the body.
Benefits of Fish Consumption Eels
1. Prevent Anemia
Anemia is a disease due to a lack of iron in the blood. Eels have a good iron to prevent anemia. How, by taking either fried or grilled eel.
2. Good for Growth
Protein content much in the eel can be beneficial for the growth of children - children. With eel serve as an alternative food or variety of food for the child.
3. Strong Bones
It turns out eel can also strengthen bones. Evident from the nutrients that many in the eel, so it can be a food amplifier bones and prevent osteoporosis or bone loss.
4. Add Stamina
Yet has a high calorie content, so that is believed to increase stamina for men. In addition, the calorie content of eels is greater than the calorie content in eggs.
Well, that was the efficacy of eels for health. Thus, animals that do not always seem laughable or disgusting it does not have the benefits for our body. As well as eel that most people amused him, but has many benefits for health.
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