Food for Patients with Stomach Acid - Stomach acid is a condition of imbalance of acid in the stomach so that it can menggangggu various activities because of stomach discomfort. Disease stomach acid could be transformed into a cone disease, let's say like the lung, fibrosis, asthma etc.
Here are some foods that are healthy and can be consumed by people with stomach acid:
1. Lean meat
- These foods can be like
- Skinless chicken breast
- beef into small pieces
- Fish
- Avoid fried meat, but eat grilled meat
2. Fruits and vegetables without acid
- apples, bananas
- strawberries
- baked potato
- broccoli
- cabbage
- peas
- green beans
- carrots
- zucchini.
- Cheese and dairy products are low in fat
3. Cereals
- cereal grain
- oatmeal
- rice
Such types of food for Patients Stomach Acid. Remember stomach acid can happen anytime, especially for those of you who frequent full meal portions or lots. so to reduce the risk of stomach acid to change your eating style, reduce food and suggested that chewing food longer in order to reduce the work of the stomach.
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