Sunday, June 14, 2015

10 Healthy Foods to Maintain Weight

Weight loss is a result of the consumption of various foods that contain more calories. 10 FOOD healthy to maintain your ideal weight is important you make as your food. Weight loss occurs because a person's intake of various foods that contain a lot of calories, or calories more than your body needs. There is a way to keep the stomach remains full for a long time, namely by consuming certain foods so that you do not want to eat fast.

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Healthy food to maintain body weight are high-fiber foods, mengenandung protein, fats and foods like this is generally contain a lot of water in it. Eating healthy foods will keep your stomach full for a long time and avoid you from a variety of unhealthy snacks. Here we present these healthy foods, may be a solution for those of you who want to lose weight and keep the body ideal.
List of Healthy Food Guard Weight

1. Apples
Apples no stranger among us as a healthy fruit for health. Including apple fruit with easily digestible fiber body and be beneficial to the fight against cholesterol. The content quecertin, plavanoid in apples could be apples as the fruit is able to fight cancer in the body. Consumption of 1 ape every day can keep you healthy. We recommend that you do not peel the apple skin, but wash out and eaten immediately.

2. Almonds
Almonds including one among the many healthy foods. Consume them in a state already processed or raw foods provide fiber make for your body, so you will have full longer and prevent your food a lot. Almonds are also good as a source of iron, magnesium, and vitamin E.

3. Blueberries
Blueberries contain vitain C, fiber and anti-oxidants that are beneficial to health. mengkosumsi blueberries in raw or by mixing in other healthy foods such as yogurt, cereals, salads and others allow you to get the benefits of a blue berry. Other types of berries also contain the same benefits to you.

4. Vegetables Spinach
Spinach leaves including healthy vegetables that the body needs. Beneficial for hair health, skin health. Spinach contains lots of magnesium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C.

5. Beans
The next healthy food is red bean. Red beans contain a lot of fiber that are essential to the body. In red beans also contain protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium high. You can eat red beans directly, you can also add them in salads, in soups or in other foods to add healthy food and provide more nutrients.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is a healthy vegetable, especially for infants, pregnant women. Broccoli can be a source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C. Preferably consume cooked broccoli with not very mature so that the content of anti-oxidants didalmnya maintained. Avoid using a sauce or other flavorings, as this is bad for health.

7. UBI Wood
Ubi also includes healthy foods, especially when cooked with roasted. Cassava is a source for vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and E. In addition, cassava low in calories.

8. Salmon
Salmon is a freshwater fish species that live in the Amazon. Salmon is very good for health because it contains a lot of protein, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for infant intelligence.

9. Wheat
Good grain to your diet, you can consume in the form of bread or ISY (food Arabs). Wheat can make the stomach Kenyak and durable so that you do not always want to eat a lot. Gandung a source of vitamin B3, thiamine or vitamin B1, iron, fiber, and vitamin E.

10 Soybean.
Foods commonly used in vegetarian products. Soy is a source of omega 3, calcium, and iron. Soybean is the raw material for tempeh, tofu, milk and other milk products.

10 healthy foods that keep your body weight is important into your diet food. For andayang intending to slim and trim make this meal as daily food. Avoid eating foods that contain a lot of calories and tran fats or saturated fats such as deep fried food.


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