Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that arises in the throat, usually appearing on the five-inch hose area that extends from the nose to the throat or voice box. The disease also has another name, namely thyroid cancer that may indicate some changes in the set of dividing cells growing in number and could not be controlled.
The cause of this disease, mostly caused by habits do like running an unhealthy lifestyle. To find out more details, see the following review.

1. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Throat cancer can be caused by the HPV virus that usually appear on the back area of ​​the tongue or tonsils that can increase the risk of throat cancer.

2. Tobacco Products

Throat cancer is closely related to the habit of smoking as well as cancers of the head and neck cancer. Usually the disease is often experienced by a smoker both active and passive because in the cigarette smoke contained harmful substances that can increase the risk of this disease.

3. Consume Alcohol

The disease is widely experienced by those who like to consume alcohol. This is because alcohol can aggravate the throat tissues.

After knowing the symptoms, on this occasion also will explain the symptoms. Symptoms that can be seen from the outside is rough and symptoms of laryngeal next is going to have difficulty swallowing solid or liquid. When have experienced symptoms at the final stage, will be marked by changes in sound condition so that it can be concluded already in a dangerous level.

Actually, to prevent throat cancer can be done in a way away from or avoid the cause, that is by living a healthy lifestyle.


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