Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kinds of Food for Smooth Blood Circulation

People are often distracted by the blood flow or circulation need to consume food for blood circulation. Inhibition of blood flow can cause cramps in the legs, tingling and even can cause delayed wound healing. Indeed, many supplements are intended to smooth the blood but most supplements can provide other negative effects on health.

Makanan Melancarkan Sirkulasi Darah
Then, more we get back to nature and the foods that can enhance blood circulation well. Before you read a food-eating tersrebut, need diketahu that overdue or impaired blood circulation is due to lack of nutrition and exercise.
Food for blood circulation

1. Onion and garlic
You certainly do not like onions or garlic. Is not it ..! but you should know that onion and garlic is a natural substance that is able to sterilize blood, purify the blood and removing plaque on blood vessel walls, and onions can also lower cholesterol.

Even onions and garlic can also maintain and boost immunity terhdap variety of bacterial and fungal attack.

2. Brown
Brown is good and delicious food that is liked by everyone. The food is not only delicious but also very nice to smooth the blood, so it is also known chocolate good for the heart. The flavonoids in chocolate will increase sirkulais blood throughout the body and lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure.

3. Oranges
Vitamin C are citrus fruit, with the rich content of vitamin C make the lemon into pieces appropriate for blood flow. Its vitamin C content will thin the blood so that the blood to be smooth and to avoid blood clots.

Many studies suggest that foods containing vitamin C could be a stout blood thinners and act as anti-oxidants that will get rid of toxins in the blood.

4. Olive Oil
Foods that can enhance blood circulation next is olive oil. Olive oil is not only used in beauty but also a very large health benefits. Olive oil not only contains vitamins A, E, D and K, but also good for bone mamdatkan, lowering cholesterol, heart menyhatkan so that the blood circulation throughout the body.

5. Grains and legumes
Two natural food is very good for healthy skin and hair, so that people who consume a handful of nuts every day will get the skin bright and shiny black hair. The food is not hanyamengandung niacin, vitamin B3, omega 3 fatty acids, but also blood flow.

Thus healthy foods for blood flow. Keep always a healthy lifestyle for a healthy life. Nature has given everything to human health, living human being how to utilize nature's goodness, beauty or even otherwise use nature for the destruction of various animals and man himself.


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